Why Use Video Vimeo?

Why Use Video Vimeo?

Video URL is an extremely beneficial tool that will increase your site traffic, and help you to get noticed by those people who are on the search for new services or products. You can create video-short advertisements to market your business, and get a lot more exposure to your business than you ever thought possible. The benefits of Video URL are too great to ignore, and I’d like to take a minute to explain how they work and why they’re an important part of the Internet marketing community.

video vimeo

When you submit your website’s URL, you get an automatic linking back to your site from all the sites that link to your website. In effect, the video links back to your page. So long as there’s a web browser out there with a video player, you can direct people to your site for free. It’s a little like getting a free ride! And, with the massive number of people surfing the Internet on a daily basis, you can be sure of getting some good exposure.

But how does Video URL work? Basically, when you post a video on any of the popular video sites – Vimeo, YouTube, etc – you put a little ” Vidler” (your company name) in the video description box at the bottom of the video. And every time someone clicks through to your site and views your video, your company name will appear in the “About” and “Contact Us” sections of the site. Not only that, but any number of other links to your site will also be posted along the video’s path, increasing your exposure even further.

One of the best benefits of Video URL, besides increased exposure, is the search engine optimization (SEO) benefit. If you own a video site, you probably know that it’s crucial to get high quality backlinks in order to increase your website’s rank in the search engine rankings. Video URL gives you one very easy way to do this. Because the video is attached to your site in a live and moving manner, the search engines like it better than a static website. They’ll give your video higher ranking points, because they’ll recognize that the link is actually animated and moving. Search engines love animated sites, especially those that use flash or similar kinds of visual media.

But there’s a much bigger reason that video vimeo is such a great marketing tool for small businesses – search engine optimization experts agree that videos posted on video sites offer up a huge amount of potential web traffic for those who manage to target them properly. If your video can be found on a video vimeo site, it’s possible that hundreds or thousands of people will be able to find your video and get to your site. That’s a tremendous advantage over just a few hundred if you’re just starting out with your video campaign.

In addition, video vimeo offers you a way to get creative and make your video site as unique as possible. You can add in as many different kinds of graphics and transitions as you want to – each one potentially giving your site a truly unique look. You can use video compression software to make your video smaller so it takes up less space on your server, you can add in audio files and mp3s to further personalize your video site. As you can see, there are many ways to benefit from using video vimeo as a part of your business plan.