The concept of video YouTube is not that new. Yet, some people are still unaware about this service, which is available for anyone who would want to watch videos via the internet. In fact, more people are making use of it even those who don’t have any knowledge on the service itself. For those who already know about video YouTube, here is the simple way for you to understand it better. Here are some of the basic things you need to know about video YouTube.
First of all, when you watch a video at YouTube, you will be greeted with the word video. This simply means that the video you are viewing is an actual video file. When you click on this video file, it will open in a new window. In addition, you will see the words title and tags appear on the screen.
Of course, as a user of this particular service, you will also be able to add your own comments on the video. You can either do this when the video has been posted or afterwards. There are two different ways to add a comment to a video. If you prefer to make comments while watching one, then you can click on the title of the video and then click on the ‘comments’ link at the bottom of the screen. Or, you can click on the ‘Updates’ link at the bottom.
On the other hand, if you prefer to post a video after it has been uploaded, then you will see the link for this option at the bottom of the window. It’s important to have a clear title so you can make your post more visible to the viewers. Afterwards, all you have to do is click on the ‘Share’ button to share the video with your friends and contacts.
The last thing that you need to know about video YouTube is that you can rate the videos you like. This will allow you to provide useful insights to the videos you have watched. You can either leave positive feedback or negative feedback, but you should never ever express any form of annoyance or complaint towards the video provider or the host of the video.
Once you have finished using a video YouTube account, you can create unlimited videos. Just remember to make sure that you keep your video descriptions as clear as possible to help visitors find your videos easily. Keep in mind that your keywords should be used properly in your video description. This will help you rank better on search engines.